Below are comic book-like storylines featuring characters pursuing a creative career path. These illustrations were done by a young emerging artist named, Jasmine Day (instagram name: JiNDA) under my creative direction. I was inspired by Casper’s and Red Antler’s out-of-home campaign, starting on the NYC subway. This campaign celebrated the idea that one mattress could meet the needs of most people. The illustrations for this campaign was done by Tom Um, who created a series of comic book-like storylines capturing the quirky and lovable characters, who all happily sleep on a Casper.


In 2019, a census was conducted by AIGA highlighting that only 3% of the design community identifies as black. Within the list of occupations that made up this census, footwear design, architecture, game design, car design etc. was not included.

Instead of focusing on one creative occupation (i.e. footwear design), I decided to get to the root of the issue which is the lack of accessibility, resources and education within the black community. These comic book-like illustrations were designed to celebrate the community aspect needed to empower people that want to pursue a career in design/art. In addition, to debunk the major myths that plaque the design and art community. A picture is worth a thousand words. Can you figure out what each panel was illustrating before the final reveal (fourth panel)?

(These comics were initially used to generate hype for my business, RepME LLC. RepME LLC has then shifted it focuses in a different direction. )


The campaign also include single panel comic book-like storylines. We included, single panel storylines into our project as well where we placed our characters in scenarios that highlighted creativity is not limited to the ability to draw but expands to the ability to create in the manner the user sees fit.


